an ongoing offcenter

to be conti
binding until spines
something straight,
not stra
writaway finish
to final
need new womb
bleeding back
bloodstuff fresh
outta again

& again
& again

all soma same as
sums unsummed
forget found
within end nd d
& notno neveragain
another okay
off spotknots
on nonstop
gainly nonplusses
for nod op up

plugbuckets fulla

too close untouch
tou h
so numbered

toning rings for
longer lines unwired
enough to sheeear
w/o pinpoints
uncopyable if ask it
muchmany by letter
momore materialmat
muchunder overemphasis
no loitering
lay of la
paid parking
flat waste spaced
perpile of pages
there all in there
snarly snag scraps
laid 'n pasted

on ructions
to raise
quick cut junk
nearest nuff muffle


no further than
hands held apt
& cleaned to clear
flipping fingers
paginated dex,in
such un-num²
include crossout coverups
follow infinding
as needed an uncounter
outside falling


or failing


².bend bind bond

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Results 1 - 10 of about 104,000,000 for how to get blog comments. (0.31 seconds)

10 Techniques to Get More Comments on Your Blog

Miscellaneous Blog Tips 445 comments

3. Be Open Ended - If you say everything there is to say on a topic you’re less likely to get others adding their opinions because you’ll have covered what they might have added. While you don’t want to purposely leave too many things unsaid there is an art to writing open ended posts that leaves room for your readers to be experts also.

8. Be controversial? - I put a question mark after this one because it doesn’t always work (and I personally avoid it as much as I can these days) - but there’s nothing like controversy to get people commenting on your blog. Of course with controversy comes other consequences - one of which is the risk of putting off less vocal members of your readership.

Thanks for an idea, buy imho main problem content :((

I’m a serial-commenter. It’s probably because I have an opinion on everything and that I think people care. Or simply because I’m a compusilve freak.

In any case, I try to make sense, to add to the debate, and the side effect of it is that people come and visit my blog back from where I left the comments.

Maybe a more obvious “comment” button would help getting more comments?

Totally useless. Even a kid can make such list.

It can feel lonely out there blogging and not having anyone comment or answer back — even if you know folks are visiting. I always think of comments like applause, even if they are negative. At least it’s feedback.

Hi Darren, thanks for this. I wish that my blog posts had more comments but really, the family travel topic is not terribly controversial so I guess people don’t get worked up enough to leave their thoughts. I do try to ask for input and follow your advice above; will just keep at it. It’s good to know that statistically there are simply a lot of folks who do not comment.

This post is very true. I enjoyed reading it.
Comments on my blog became very less when I changed to my new blog. Now, I think I have to be bit more careful.

Up until now no visiter leave any comments on my blog, I guess with your article, sure will help. Let me try it out tonight with some great content. Thanks.

Good points…I would note that as someone who really doesn’t comment to blogs much (in fact, this may be my first post), I don’t think the term “lurker” is very flattering to a non-posting reader. It’s not your fault in the least, but perhaps the blogosphere could come up with a better, non-creepy name for the 90% of us that enjoy reading the content.

Usually I just don’t have the time, or do not notice the comments. I think if comments were a larger part of the blog then I would comment more. It j.st seems that it isn’t worth it to comment.

My perspective is that comments are not the be all or end all. On some blogs I think it’s even legit to not have them at all (depending upon the goals of the blog).

However on most blogs comments are a good thing and are one measure of how people are interacting with your blog. I love comments on my blogs because they are where a lot of the real action happens and where the real learning happens. I know on my blogs that I always have limited knowledge on my topics and that it’s my readers who teach me so much - as a result comments are something that I value highly.

Dies ist natürlich nur hilfreich wenn man die Kommentarfunktion aktiviert hat. Vielleicht habt ihr euch schon mal die Frage gestellt warum manche Blogs verdammt viele Kommentare haben und andere wenige bzw. überhaupt keine.

I think you may have forgot the number one technique to get comments………..ALLOW COMMENT SPAM.

I let a stand idle for about three months with no comment spam filter. I recently ressercted it and had over 25,000 comments waiting my approval. In fact so many comments it WP locked up before fully populating the entire list so I can delete all at one time.

Good read … headline catchy … good points, some of which I have learned along the way as well (humility, grace, layoff the controversial stuff). Will share with my colleagues at work as we begin blogging from a corporate perspective.


Great post, I found myself nodding my head as I went through each point. I would like to mention cocomment, a firefox addon that automatically tracks all your comments left on different blogs and organizes them onto one page. I just recently started using it, and I think it makes commenting more of a conversation than a “hit and run.” Before using cocomment I would be much more likely to leave a comment, then forget to go back and check to see if anyone had replied.

Best way to get comments from readers is to announce that you died. They will send all sorts of condolences. After that, announce that you actually lied and are alive. You should get many comments also.

I forgot what the question was after so long. I mean, who actually will read my blog here, right? No one leaves any comments since I think my posts are mostly rants. However, I think I’ve not employed the techniques to invite comments here. Although I know that my blog is being read, I’m not sure who is reading except for those who leave comments.

I am new to the world of blogging. Started a blog about 7 weeks ago. The counter shows almost 17,000 visits but I only get a stray comment here and there. I am glad people keep coming back, but feel ‘odd’ that there are so few comments. I guess it just makes me wonder what they think/feel as they read each post. Then again, maybe the comments aren’t all that necessary?

Merlinox l’altro giorno si lamentava dei pochi commenti nel suo blog.

Many thanks for these valid points. I haven’t read all of your comments on this post itself, but I am sure that the way the comments appear on the page is very important too, as is how you “advertise” the fact that people can comment, for example:

“Leave your comments below:”


“What do you think?

Thanks for these interesting and useful points. I get a few hits to my blog, but have found it difficult to get comments. I think that this might be in part because it has a slightly facetious, tongue-in cheek tone. Maybe people construe this as hostility?

I’ll try and tweak the tone a bit and make it more comment-friendly by utilizing some of these tips.

I think one of the things that really drives the number of comments you get is whether your audience “gets” the whole concept of blog comments. If they haven’t been around blogs very much, the idea that you could write your opinion on *someone else’s website* is novel and rather strange.

Så er det litt om bruken av blogger. I en artikkel om hvordan man skal få flere kommentarer på bloggen sin, refererer Problogger til en meningsmåling fra Nielsen som forteller at 90% bare leser blogger, uten å selv ha blogg, eller legger igjen kommentarer. 9% kan vise litt aktivtet, men sjelden.

I suppose a great way to get people to comment is to write a blog about commenting. Nice article

Well i think you should talk about something new or whatever interests people.

For a good long while, I wondered why I wasn’t getting comments. Then someone suggested that I look in my junk comments folder and found a good bunch of legit comments going back several months. I had to go through the list to move these over. Now, I’ve turned on TypeKey and I only have to click on “trust” button when a new commenter posts. And, no more spam for me to wade through . . .

it sounds all very common sense. i will immediately try some approaches, like the question in the headline, and come back and let you know my success.

I’ve tried every angle of attack to try to persuade readers to comment. I’ve been rude, positive, negative and rambunctious. Nothing! Very rarely do I receive comments and it’s not feeding my attention whoredom! -Soulgirl x

One of the things I’ve noticed on a couple blogs is how out of hand some of the conversation tends to get. I love a good verbal sparring match, but a great deal tends to get lost when people resort to crudeness and rudeness. Thanks for addressing that issue - it makes me feel a little more confident.

Most visitors won’t stick around for long at a blog that just talks at them. People want to be involved in a conversation, so get people involved in your blog. They want to feel that their thoughts matter just as much as yours do.

I feel the same way sometimes. It depends on how the comments have been going. If they’re all “Oh, this is so wonderful!! You’re the best human being EVER, Jordan” . . . oh, wait…. But seriously, it can be weird. Maybe with pratice it gets easier?

Also, if you’re ever looking for new subject matter, I’d love to request a post about how to handle trolls — especially those who leave comments that are mean-spirited and unproductive, yet not quite bad enough to warrant deleting. I know it’s a subject near and dear to many bloggers’ hearts.

Uber-long blog posts. I still believe there’s a time and place for long blog posts, but for the most part, people have short attention spans, so it’s understandable that you should try and keep posts as short as possible. Perhaps more important is this: don’t ramble. If you’re rambling, go back, slice the post to pieces, cut out the unecessary stuff and make it a lean, mean, discussion-inducing machine.

The truth is, even the best headline might not work sometimes, but certainly there are better headlines than others out there.

I spend a lot of time on headlines. Not all of them are gems. Not all of them are intended to get dugg or generate lots of traffic. For some I do hope that’s the case.

At the end of the day I do think shorter posts will result in more comments. That doesn’t mean a post of 1 sentence will generate more comments than a post with 10 sentences. But a post that goes on for pages will be very hard pressed to generate commentary.

There’s a difference between taking a stand and being an abusive jerk. If you take a stand, express yourself intelligently and focus on your reasoning you’ll illicit (hopefully), smart, worthwhile comments. If you’re a brash, argumentative type you’ll get comments, but most of them won’t further the dialogue.

I’m stymied… I’ve posted a variety of longer and shorter blog entries, very opinionated and also completely uncontroversial, and posts that were sorta open-ended. Yet, with it all, I still get very few comments. My stats indicate that people are visiting and I’ve gotta assume that they’re sticking around long enough to read some of my ramblings, but only rarely do they comment…

One odd thing is that I refer to (a.k.a. “pimp,” “hawk,” or “trumpet”) my blog at work fairly often (although I do try to be subtle so it doesn’t become annoying) yet few of my buddies from work seem to frequent the site. More often, the folks who’re keeping up with it regularly are friends from halfway across the country.

Short but godd article. But sometimes is Ok to write some really useful and long article…

Thanks for the tips. As far as short narratives, does it make sense to re-write blogs already posted into short more concise blogs and re-post them. For example go back to the 1st post that is still relevant news and create a shorter version with more spice.

The best way is to write something of value and leave it off with an open ended question. A blog can be an open view of your daily thoughts or a conversation with the world. How you form your content indicates which style you have chosen.

blog yazılarınıza daha fazla yorum almanız için yapmanız gerkenleri anlatmış. Blogherald’ın listesinde daha fazla yorum almak için yapmanız gerekenlerden bir kaçı

the main reason is that blogger is a software owned by one company where WordPress is something called open source software - meaning that anyone is free to develop add-ons, widgets and plug-ins that work with it because they can get access to the underlying code. WordPress has certainly become the software of choice for business bloggers as well.

I haven’t tried this yet on my blog, but I have seen it done on others and that is to insert a poll every now and then and ask for comments based on your vote.

This seems to encourage another level of user interaction and people find it fun and sometimes easier to participate in than trying to come up with something useful to say in a comment.

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