* AAVV, La coscienza luccicante. Dalla videoarte all’arte interattiva, Gangemi, Roma 1998 * Jean-Pierre BALPE, "L'Ordinateur, sa muse", in "Pratiques" nº 39, Metz 1984 * Jean-Pierre BALPE, "La position de l'auteur dans la génération automatique de textes à orientations littéraires", in "Lynx" nº 17, Université de Paris-X Nanterre, Nanterre, 1987 * Friedrich W. BLOCK, Christiane HEIBACH, Karin WENZ (eds.), p0es1s. The Aesthetics of Digital Poetry, Ostfildern-Ruit, Hatje Cantz, 2004 (German, English) * Caterina DAVINIO, “Parole virtuali. La poesia video-visiva tra arte elettronica e avanguardia”, in "Doc(K)s. Un notre web” (libro e CD), serie 3, 21, 22, 23, 24, Ajaccio (F) 1999 * Caterina DAVINIO, "Scritture/Realtà virtuali" in "Doc(K)s" (web), 2000 * Caterina DAVINIO, Tecno-Poesia e realtà virtuali (Techno-Poetry and Virtual Reality), essay with preface by Eugenio Miccini (Italian/English), Mantova, Sometti, 2002. * A. DE CAMPOS, Re/visão de sousândrade (with Haroldo de Campos), Edições Invenção, San Paolo 1964 (2nd edition, Nova Fronteira, San Paolo 1982) * A. DE CAMPOS, Teoria da poesia concreta (with D. Pignatari and H. de Campos). Edições Invenção, San Paolo 1965; 2nd edition, Duas Cidades, San Paolo 1975; 3rd edition, Brasiliense, 1987 * A. DE CAMPOS, Poesia antipoesia antropofagia, Cortez e Moraes, San Paolo 1978 * Chris T. FUNKHOUSER, Prehistoric Digital Poetry, An Archeology of Forms, 1959-1995, Tuscaloosa, The University of Alabama Press, 2007 * Eduardo KAC, New Media Poetry: Poetic Innovation and New Technologies, "Visible Language" Vol. 30, No. 2, Rhode Island School of Design, 1996. * Eduardo KAC, Hodibis Potax, Édition Action Poétique, Ivry-sur-Seine (France) and Kibla, Maribor (Slovenia), 2007. * Eduardo KAC, Media Poetry: an International Anthology (Second Edition), Bristol: Intellect, 2007. * Eduardo KAC, Telepresence, Biotelematics, Transgenic art, Association for Culture and Education, Maribor 2000 * Philadelpho MENEZES, Poetics and Visuality, translation Harry Polkinhorn, San Diego State University Press, 1995. * Philadelpho MENEZES, Poesia Concreta e Visual, São Paulo, Ática, 1998. * Philadelpho MENEZES(org.), Poesia Sonora: poéticas experimentais da voz no século XX, São Paulo: EDUC (Editora da PUC), 1992. * Philadelpho MENEZES, "Poesia Visual: reciclagem e inovação", em revista Imagens, número 6, Campinas, Editora da Unicamp, 1996, pp. 39/48. * Philadelpho MENEZES, "Poetics and new technologies of communication: a semiotic approach" in Face - Revista de Semiótica e Comunicação, D.1, 1998, site: www.pucsp.br/~cos-puc/face * Kenneth MEYER, “Dramatic narrative inVirtual Reality”, in Frank BIOCCA e Mark R. LEVY (eds.), Communication int eh Age of Virtual Reality, Hillsdale, New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum, 1995, pp. 219/259. * Janet MURRAY, Hamlet on the Holodeck – The future of narrative in Cyberspace, Cambridge, MIT Press, 1997. * Walter J. ONG, Orality and literacy – The technlogizing of the word, Londres, Routledge, 1989. * Eric VOS. "New Media poetry - Theory and Strategies" in : Eduardo KAC (ed.), New Media Poetry: Poetic Innovation and New Technologies, "Visible Language" Vol. 30, No. 2, Rhode Island School of Design, 1996.
8 kommentarer:
* AAVV, La coscienza luccicante. Dalla videoarte all’arte interattiva, Gangemi, Roma 1998
* Jean-Pierre BALPE, "L'Ordinateur, sa muse", in "Pratiques" nº 39, Metz 1984
* Jean-Pierre BALPE, "La position de l'auteur dans la génération automatique de textes à orientations littéraires", in "Lynx" nº 17, Université de Paris-X Nanterre, Nanterre, 1987
* Friedrich W. BLOCK, Christiane HEIBACH, Karin WENZ (eds.), p0es1s. The Aesthetics of Digital Poetry, Ostfildern-Ruit, Hatje Cantz, 2004 (German, English)
* Caterina DAVINIO, “Parole virtuali. La poesia video-visiva tra arte elettronica e avanguardia”, in "Doc(K)s. Un notre web” (libro e CD), serie 3, 21, 22, 23, 24, Ajaccio (F) 1999
* Caterina DAVINIO, "Scritture/Realtà virtuali" in "Doc(K)s" (web), 2000
* Caterina DAVINIO, Tecno-Poesia e realtà virtuali (Techno-Poetry and Virtual Reality), essay with preface by Eugenio Miccini (Italian/English), Mantova, Sometti, 2002.
* A. DE CAMPOS, Re/visão de sousândrade (with Haroldo de Campos), Edições Invenção, San Paolo 1964 (2nd edition, Nova Fronteira, San Paolo 1982)
* A. DE CAMPOS, Teoria da poesia concreta (with D. Pignatari and H. de Campos). Edições Invenção, San Paolo 1965; 2nd edition, Duas Cidades, San Paolo 1975; 3rd edition, Brasiliense, 1987
* A. DE CAMPOS, Poesia antipoesia antropofagia, Cortez e Moraes, San Paolo 1978
* Chris T. FUNKHOUSER, Prehistoric Digital Poetry, An Archeology of Forms, 1959-1995, Tuscaloosa, The University of Alabama Press, 2007
* Eduardo KAC, New Media Poetry: Poetic Innovation and New Technologies, "Visible Language" Vol. 30, No. 2, Rhode Island School of Design, 1996.
* Eduardo KAC, Hodibis Potax, Édition Action Poétique, Ivry-sur-Seine (France) and Kibla, Maribor (Slovenia), 2007.
* Eduardo KAC, Media Poetry: an International Anthology (Second Edition), Bristol: Intellect, 2007.
* Eduardo KAC, Telepresence, Biotelematics, Transgenic art, Association for Culture and Education, Maribor 2000
* Philadelpho MENEZES, Poetics and Visuality, translation Harry Polkinhorn, San Diego State University Press, 1995.
* Philadelpho MENEZES, Poesia Concreta e Visual, São Paulo, Ática, 1998.
* Philadelpho MENEZES(org.), Poesia Sonora: poéticas experimentais da voz no século XX, São Paulo: EDUC (Editora da PUC), 1992.
* Philadelpho MENEZES, "Poesia Visual: reciclagem e inovação", em revista Imagens, número 6, Campinas, Editora da Unicamp, 1996, pp. 39/48.
* Philadelpho MENEZES, "Poetics and new technologies of communication: a semiotic approach" in Face - Revista de Semiótica e Comunicação, D.1, 1998, site: www.pucsp.br/~cos-puc/face
* Kenneth MEYER, “Dramatic narrative inVirtual Reality”, in Frank BIOCCA e Mark R. LEVY (eds.), Communication int eh Age of Virtual Reality, Hillsdale, New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum, 1995, pp. 219/259.
* Janet MURRAY, Hamlet on the Holodeck – The future of narrative in Cyberspace, Cambridge, MIT Press, 1997.
* Walter J. ONG, Orality and literacy – The technlogizing of the word, Londres, Routledge, 1989.
* Eric VOS. "New Media poetry - Theory and Strategies" in : Eduardo KAC (ed.), New Media Poetry: Poetic Innovation and New Technologies, "Visible Language" Vol. 30, No. 2, Rhode Island School of Design, 1996.
yesh, mucho eyewrangle
esp. also rainparade
dashing crostic
(background: transparent)
Edith Södergran
Paavo Haavikko
Eeva-Liisa Manner
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ఌలష ౯ హూడప ఖ కఐఏ
ઈનમ શ૯ ૩ઐગષ ન૨ ઙ ણન
ૠઽ૭ ૪ ઈકજજક વળ ૨૯
ઢપવ ખહ ઉઓ ષ૯ૠ૫ૌ ૬જજ
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