Luc Fierens

work by
For me there is no debate, as i mentioned already:
because of new technologies(xeroxmachine) artists started experimenting with xerox
& some artists & curators did question the "quality".. for me mail-art is about communication, about the process not about the artifact.. Ray Johnson cut up his collages & send them out, Robin Crozier etc
.... i have send out also hundreds of collages, galleryowners will question the moneyvalue & my act of sending them away..?

What is quality when, i mean hypes & trends build the prices in the artmarket, mail-art is outside this market so our value cannot be measured,how can you measure communication-art ? I feel good about quality when a mail-art exchange works & brings me joy,...

Some curators try to determine quality to cut up the mail-artnetwork in pieces to sell it to the market :artists'books,livre d'artistes, small limited editions -assemblings , collages etc...

I admit i sell some collages to stay alive to pay the rent & my postagestamps.Quality or selection is impossible to measure , so use your own personal taste as inspiration to choose ,send & live it ,.. we can not correspond with everybody but recently i see more activity of e-mailartists then mail-artists (who send their work by the postal system) so it's time to go back to our roots & to cherish the act of sending & receiving a letter.

excerpt from an interview w/ Luc Fierens

6 kommentarer:

troylloyd sa...

Luc Fierens



flickr fotostream


mike di tomasso sa...

I always
his stuff,

troylloyd sa...

yep, goodstuff.

below is a bit from an email...

Luc Fierens sa...

the interview is a bit old but still captures my feeling about art/gift/communication/words/images,
but only the last lines seems out of date. I hardly do mail-art and send my work by e-mail or put on flickr.

But i make more books than 15 years ago so that is a good sign.

Reed Altemus just did a artistsbook for me, will post the cover soon on my website,
i guess also great to see people enjoying my work.

- - - - - - - -

Luc Fierens sa...

i hardly sell something so please propose
an exchange and we can trade publications.

Luc Fierens sa...

sorry, another comment, i still do mail-art and great show coming up: 20 years since the Fall of the Wall-Mail-art was underground-but what about today?
send works to Lutz wohlrab,Langhansstr.64A 13086 berlin Germany deadline: 30 sept 009 doc to all, so you see MAIL-ART is A passion to build a dream on like i said in 1984, keep going