" moths climb kitchen
,battered through
greasy heat "
yeah i've smoked crack cocaine, chasing hungry ghost of bigblank bummer, burntlips, melt-ing cheap plastic lighters, heavy heat & hop-head hellfire, cough coughgh couough confud, used or unused:it's all gonna be okay, o.k.k.o.
,puff ff puff dust'dup painless, snuffing muff fuzz, or
more, canal surf wombfluid loose, (band-aid),
danger the dangerous, this mother a fucker of
luck, embryo debreathing, bind'd bytha blindness,
scenery : toss'd into thrown, bust'd rubbish
w/ redflag background, detain at border,
" fuck it " sucha beautiful phrase, let me
ejaculate all those holes, stain'd nibtip inkish,
as deep as death & as bright as birth,
less the mess, glue to cum, swumstuck in
curves, diving moist, feeling that feeling
of no feeling at all, ain't no words can
come close, to touch, to fuck it, again
againagain & again, never enough
as with that mirrormoth, silvery quick, turn'd
reverse, bolt'd thick w/ wrench, grease on
grinding gears & lubed to tooth,
m out h
,curse of fortunate failure, flunk such grade A,
loves to laugh, grinnin' inshit as if
nothin' left to lose done been already lost,
drivin' hellish hiway, keep tweek'd in
demon-dread, unlimit'd odometer, speedo
sweeps past the ton, MPH to who knows where
,thunderrumbles mile by mile, markmarkers, road
via roads, unpacking trackless maps, gasping
faster, (anywhere but here), bodybones trapt
in shitpiss, all outta toilets, drowning in drains,
bash'd in brain, washin' away deepdirty bloodbath,
wasted space, (rest area), lungdump, suck the
suck of it up, dung from dung to dust to dust to
dust too, each grain bleach'd w/ the beast,
ain't no fire can burn them flames.
(ashpile dirtdug)
(llleglble tombstone)
" cash on delivery "