i love this dictionary, it's so comprehensive, but it's only "one way" & the only other suomi sanakirja i have is a tiny taskusanasto but i now have a grammar book so maybe my kirjoittaa kasvattaa parempi!
Those sheets of papers seems to have lots of wisdom written in them, although I can not understand what they say I can feel them, like when you feel the tone of the voice of a foreign person talk. I like a lot ancient writtings, I do not know why, they have the same chance of having wisdom in them than a modern written one. From which country and year does it come? What is the language besides english it has words written at? Did you tricked the pictures in order for them to loook like that? Or it was just the light and movement of the camera? Take care photographer friend, which has good photographs.
the book is a Finnish dictionary from 1990, it is a large book, but only a "one way" dictionary, meaning it only goes from English to Finnish, which is good, because it is comprehensive, but makes things difficult to cross check for proper usage, i only have one other Finnish dictionary and it is a small pocket version -- as you probably know, language and translation can be difficult due to the variations and subtleties involved.
i am trying to learn a little bit of the Finnish language, it is quite an amazing tongue.
yes, from starting this blog i have gotten better at photography, i now really understand about the relationship of light and photography; also the importance of lenses.
so, yes, it is just a page lit by a lightbulb, but the thin-ness of the pages, as with most dictionaries, helped to get triple layers and such...
Troylloyd: thank you very much for answering all of the question I had, I was really curious about some of that stuff, cause I really liked the art , I was for example in doubt if it was a dictionaiious of a thresaurus, aldough I knew it was from one tone to the other, I was married to a photographer, that is why I know a little about that, specially about non digital one, which is my favourite kind.
14 kommentarer:
intl. dict./suursanakirja
pg.411: extragalactic/linnunradan ulkopuolinen
pg.710: mark/merkitä
pg.59: assuage/lievittää
pg.948: profanity/rienaaminen
pg.210: codex/koodeksi
pg.1423: uprush/esiintuluiminen
pg.1285: surreal/epätodellinen
pg.669: liberty/vapaus
pg.85: bats/hullu
pg.1411: unlax/rentoutua
pg.1518: yawp/rääkäistä
pg.1058: roly-poly/pullea
pg.547: helter-skelter/ylösalaisin
pg.846: paperpulp/paperimassa
pg.33: amigo/ystävä
pg.718: mayhem/silpominen
pg.997: rax/ojentaa
pg.1482: whipstitch/luotella
pg.1524: zone time/vyöhykeaika
pg.1328: thing-in-itself/olio sinänsä
pg.518: grogshop/viinakauppa
pg.950: prolix/monisanainen
pg.60: ataraxy/ataraksia
pg.141: bullshit/pöty
pg.279: cutup/huomionherättäjä
pg.675: limnetic/limninen
pg.1004: receptive/vastaanottavainen
pg.1220: splicing/liitos
pg.634: kamikaze/itsemurhahyökkäys
pg.679: lithology/kivilajitiede
pg.3: abiogenesis/alkusynty
pg.284: darkling/pimeässä
pg.1253: stonebroke/pennitön
pg.1052: riprap/kiviheitoke
pg.742: mod cons/nykyajan mukavuudet
pg.962: pukka/loistava
pg.1412: unnamed/nimetön
pg.688: loop-hole/ampuma-aukko
pg.9: acerbate/suututtaa
pg.785: nosh-up/tuhti ateria
pg.1098: scatterbrain/hömppä
pg.1269: subculture/alakulttuuri
pg.411: extramundane/maailmankaikkeuden
pg.1525: zymurgy/käymisilmiöitä tutkiva kemia
be drunk !
. .. . .
These are so gorgeous. magical. esoteric. monk-lit.
i like that how light come throught the paper and a word mingled to a word
ihanaisen näköistä
pg.1423: uprush/esiintuluiminen
==> esiintuleminen
so much words, world is full of everything so interesting....
I'm learning
I enjoy tasting and remembering
I'm learning
I enjoy tasting and remembering
muista jupotella
muita olla kännissä
muita = muista
thanks & kiitos
i love this dictionary, it's so comprehensive, but it's only "one way" & the only other suomi sanakirja i have is a tiny taskusanasto but i now have a grammar book so maybe my kirjoittaa kasvattaa parempi!
olen sanonut "ehkä" !
= )
lovely orange gold background
Those sheets of papers seems to have lots of wisdom written in them,
although I can not understand what they say I can feel them, like when you feel the tone of the voice of a foreign person talk.
I like a lot ancient writtings, I do not know why, they have the same chance of having wisdom in them than a modern written one.
From which country and year does it come? What is the language besides english it has words written at? Did you tricked the pictures in order for them to loook like that? Or it was just the light and movement of the camera?
Take care photographer friend, which has good photographs.
hello Mariana,
the book is a Finnish dictionary from 1990, it is a large book, but only a "one way" dictionary, meaning it only goes from English to Finnish, which is good, because it is comprehensive, but makes things difficult to cross check for proper usage, i only have one other Finnish dictionary and it is a small pocket version -- as you probably know, language and translation can be difficult due to the variations and subtleties involved.
i am trying to learn a little bit of the Finnish language, it is quite an amazing tongue.
yes, from starting this blog i have gotten better at photography, i now really understand about the relationship of light and photography; also the importance of lenses.
so, yes, it is just a page lit by a lightbulb, but the thin-ness of the pages, as with most dictionaries, helped to get triple layers and such...
thank you very much for answering all of the question I had, I was really curious about some of that stuff, cause I really liked the art ,
I was for example in doubt if it was a dictionaiious of a thresaurus, aldough I knew it was from one tone to the other,
I was married to a photographer, that is why I know a little about that, specially about non digital one, which is my favourite kind.
= )
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